The project LIFE Call 2014 REWAT proposes five plans of action:
A) Preparatory actions
B) Implementation actions
C) Monitoring of the impact of the project actions
D) Public awareness and dissemination of results
E) Project management and monitoring of the project progress

Expected results (outputs and quantified achievements)

As far as consistent, the following quantified achievements are introduced in order to assess expected results:

- estimated water consumption reduction with action B6 equal to 10% of water loss, estimated water consumption reduction with action B7 equal to 20% of average water supply for irrigating the same crops as planted during REWAT, estimated water consumption reduction with action B8 equal to 20% of water supply provided by the local Municipality for irrigating a public garden as wide as the one considered in REWAT, estimated water infiltration with action B4 equal to at least 360.000 mc/year, estimated water infiltration with action B5 equal to at least 10% more than current infiltration rate;

- it is not predictable how much the geomorphologic restoration of the river stretch foreseen in action B5 will led to an ecological status enhancement of the related water body (because time for getting measurable ecological responses exceeds REWAT time span), but it is reasonable to assert that at the local scale the morphologic complexity and diversification of the river bad shall be achieved, like so the vegetation structure and composition: appropriate indexes to assess this improvement will be adopted in action A3 and later used in action C2;

- any status improvement of SCI/SPA IT5160010 “Padule Orti Bottagone” in term of biodiversity can hardly be measured through quantitative indicators, because REWAT action is implemented at a very large scale (catchment sub-basin) with a large array of different technical solution site-based, thus not allowing to appreciate quantitative effects on such complex ecosystems during the project life span;

- in term of stakeholders (STKs) engagement and commitment a couple of specific indicators can be introduced: number of STKs engaged on the total number of STKs addressed (expected result: >= 70%) & number of STKs committed for action on the total number of STKs engaged (expected result: >= 70%);

- reduction in the number of days of water scarcity in Val di Cornia area and Elba Island cannot be measured because the value of this indicator is strictly connected with the seasonal climate pattern that is a variable not under control within REWAT time span (two years of implementation are dominated by the high stochasticity of short term climate variations): a scenario analysis will be implemented in action A2, in order to simulate the effects of REWAT actions if implemented on a wider scale.