To make SIT Life-REWAT open also to project REWAT external users, data catalogue is on line (downloaded data list).
The catalogue allows an easy data consultation (with its own data sheets) and the download from authors original source.

ID Description Organisation owner Publication date Download Metadata form
01 Isobaths (m.a.s.l.) of the base of some significant aquifers referred to the groundwater monitored by SIRA - Tuscany. Vector data is stored as ESRI shapefile Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection Of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2005-2007
02 Isopachs (meters from ground level): contour map of some significant aquifers thickness, referred to the groundwater monitored by SIRA - Tuscany. Vector data is stored as ESRI shapefile Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection Of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2005-2007
03 Polygonal feature of significant water bodies of Tuscany referred to the groundwater monitored by SIRA - Tuscany. Vector data is stored as ESRI shapefile Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection Of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2005-2007
04 Identification points of the monitoring stations referred to the underground waters monitored by SIRA - Tuscany. Vector data is stored as ESRI shapefile Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection Of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2005-2007
05 Polygonal feature of the main hydrographic basins of the National Environmental Information System (SINA), referred to the monitored surface water by SIRA - Tuscany. Vector data is stored as ESRI shapefile Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection Of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2006-2007
06 Linear features of the monitored water bodies (waterways), referred to the monitored surface water by SIRA - Tuscany. Vector data is stored as ESRI shapefile Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection Of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2006-2007
07 Polygonal feature of monitored water bodies (lakes and reservoirs), referred to the monitored surface water by SIRA - Tuscany. Vector data is stored as ESRI shapefile Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection Of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2006-2007
08 Monitoring stations referred to the monitored surface water by SIRA - Tuscany. Vector data is stored as ESRI shapefile Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection Of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2006-2007
09 Municipal administration sphere: geographic archive (point) of administrative areas of Tuscany. There is also a table in DBF file format with correspondences between ISTAT codes and belfiore common codes Tuscany Region 2015-02-05
10 Municipal administration sphere: Metropolitan City of Florence. There is also a table in DBF file format with correspondences between ISTAT codes and belfiore common codes Tuscany Region 2015-02-05
11 Municipal administration sphere: geographic archive of administrative areas of Tuscany. There is also a table in DBF file format with correspondences between ISTAT codes and belfiore common codes Tuscany Region 2015-02-05
12 Provincial administration sphere: geographic archive of administrative areas of Tuscany. There is also a table in DBF file format with correspondences between ISTAT codes and belfiore common codes Tuscany Region 2015-02-05
13 Regional administration sphere: geographic archive of administrative areas of Tuscany. There is also a table in DBF file format with correspondences between ISTAT codes and belfiore common codes Tuscany Region 2015-02-05
14 Union of Municipalities: geographic archive of administrative areas of Tuscany. There is also a table in DBF file format with correspondences between ISTAT codes and belfiore common codes Tuscany Region 2015-02-05
15 Terrain slope aspect, ASCII Grid format, produced from the hydrological DTM. The data is called "hydrological" because it is "adapted for use in hydrological models." The data covers the area of the Tuscan Archipelago Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2015-08-14
16 Terrain slope aspect, ASCII Grid format, produced from the hydrological DTM. The data is called "hydrological" because it is "adapted for use in hydrological models." The data covers the continental area of the Tuscany Region Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2015-08-14
17 Vector data named 'quadri di unione', cut in pieces according to the framework of the Regional Technical Map at 1:2,000 scale map. Download dataset from Geoportale GEOscopio in ASCII Grid format Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2016-04-01
18 QGIS project and SpatiaLite database with Census ISTAT data of Population and Industry (2001, 2011) for the Tuscany Region Tuscany Region – Territorial Government - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector - SITA 2016-01-29
19 Shapefile delimitation of new areas of Reclamation under L.R. 79/2015 Tuscany Region 2015
20 The dataset contains hydraulic works classified in the 2nd - 3rd - 4th hydraulic category in accordance with RD 523/1904, besides reclamation works Tuscany Region 2015
21 Hydrographic network and management up to date (2015) referred to the entire area of Tuscany Region. The changes has been approved on 2015.02.10 with DCRT 9/2015 Tuscany Region 2015
22 CORINE Land Cover Tuscany Region (2001) Interregional Center for Information Systems, Geographic and Statistics (CISIS) 2001-04-12
23 Geological Database of Tuscany Region created following revisions and updates of the layers of the Regional Geological Continuum. It holds the dataset "Database landslides and covers" with the structural plans of the Commons Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2014-11-01
24 The Pedological Database of Tuscany Region contains the data in "spatialite" format, style, documentation and a QGIS project Tuscany Region – Territorial Government - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector - SITA 2015-10-18
25 The Prior Database 10K Tuscany Region should be regarded as an intermediate product according to the common specifications. The database consists of the following layers: Traffic Report, Railway Traffic, Hydrography, Administrative Areas, Urban areas Interregional Center for Information Systems, Geographic and Statistics (CISIS) 2007-10-01
26 Polygonal archive of Land Use & Land Cover supplied in SpatiaLite format (DB), with a QGIS project that implements the necessary layer style file. The project also provides access to orthoimagery of the year 2007, 2010 and 2013 in false color by means of WMS service Tuscany Region – Territorial Government - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector - SITA 2015-07-19
27 Topographic database produced from the Regional Technical Map of Tuscany at 1:2,000 scale map referred to the Municipality of Campiglia Marittima Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2014-04-09
28 Topographic database produced from the Regional Technical Map of Tuscany at 1:2,000 scale map referred to the Municipality of Piombino Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2014-04-09
29 Topographic database produced from the Regional Technical Map of Tuscany at 1:2,000 scale map referred to the Municipality of Suvereto Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2014-04-09
30 Tuscany Topographic database produced from the Regional Technical Map of Tuscany at 1:2,000 scale map Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2016-02-12
31 Regional Topographic database of the Province of Livorno. Vector data: map information, road transport, anthropization, hydrography, topography, vegetation, technological networks, place names and symbols, areas of relevance, 3D geometry, topology Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2015-04-01
32 Regional Topographic database of the Province of Pisa. Vector data: map information, road transport, anthropization, hydrography, topography, vegetation, technological networks, place names and symbols, areas of relevance, 3D geometry, topology Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2015-04-01
33 Regional Topographic database of the Province of Pistoia. Vector data: map information, road transport, anthropization, hydrography, topography, vegetation, technological networks, place names and symbols, areas of relevance, 3D geometry, topology Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2015-04-01
34 Regional Topographic database of the Province of Prato. Vector data: map information, road transport, anthropization, hydrography, topography, vegetation, technological networks, place names and symbols, areas of relevance, 3D geometry, topology Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2015-04-01
35 Regional Topographic database of the Province of Siena. Vector data: map information, road transport, anthropization, hydrography, topography, vegetation, technological networks, place names and symbols, areas of relevance, 3D geometry, topology Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2015-04-01
36 Population density: information derived from the archive Statistical Archive resulting from the investigation accomplished at the Registry Offices of Commons (DEMO-ISTAT ) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2014-07-24
37 Hydrological DTM: the data is called "hydrological" because it is "adapted for use in hydrological models." For this purpose have been leveled small depressions that could distort the determination of the direction of water flow. The model data is organised in a regular structure of cells with a given fixed dimension of 10 m2 and it covers the area of the Tuscan Archipelago Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2015-08-14
38 Hydrological DTM: the data is called "hydrological" because it is "adapted for use in hydrological models." For this purpose have been leveled small depressions that could distort the determination of the direction of water flow. The model data is organised in a regular structure of cells with a given fixed dimension of 10 m2 and it covers the continental area of Tuscany Region Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2015-08-14
39 Orographic DTM: the data is called "orographic" because it shows the terrain to the best of precision allowed by the data used to its derivation: the contours and spot heights of the CTR at 1:10,000 scale map. The model data is organised in a regular structure of cells with a given fixed dimension of 10 m2 Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2015-08-14
40 Road graph, with mile-stones and house numbers, graph with rail stations and freight terminals of the Tuscany Region. Created in support of regional projects about Infomobility Tuscany Region 12015-04-13
41 Regional Technical Cartography framework: 10K and 5K elements, 50K and 2K Sheets. The dataset contains 4 shapefile Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2014-01-24
42 Digital topographic model of the bare earth – terrain relief (DTM) produced from the Regional Technical Map 10K only for the Province of Livorno. The model data is organised in a regular structure of cells with a given fixed dimension of 10 m 2 and it covers the northern part of Livorno Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2013-10-31
43 Digital topographic model of the bare earth – terrain relief (DTM) produced from the Regional Technical Map 10K only for the Province of Livorno. The model data is organised in a regular structure of cells with a given fixed dimension of 10 m2 and it covers the southern part of Livorno Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2013-10-31
44 Shoreline of the Tuscany Region, year 2010 Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2014-01-24
45 The data packet contains the hydrogeomorphological structure, which includes geological, morphological, pedological, hydrological and hydraulic; ecosystem structure, which includes the air natural resources, water, soil and ecosystems of fauna and flora; settlement structure, which includes cities and smaller settlements, infrastructure systems, craft, industrial and technological Tuscany Region – Territorial Government - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector - SITA 2015-07-19
46 Points of the monitoring stations for surface water bodies, dedicated to the potable water production for drinking and irrigation Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection Of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2007-02-02
47 Terrain slope produced from the hydrological DTM. The model data is organised in a regular structure of cells with a given fixed dimension of 10 m 2. The data covers the area of the Tuscan Archipelago Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2015-08-14
48 Terrain slope produced from the hydrological DTM. The model data is organised in a regular structure of cells with a given fixed dimension of 10 m 2. The data covers the continental area of the Tuscany Region Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2015-08-14
49 The weather hydrological stations be part of the network of regional data collection managed by the Hydrological Regional Service. The data contain the consistency of the network of Rain Gauges, Hydrometers, Thermometers, Phreatimeters and related measures Hydrological Service of Tuscany Region 2015-11-30
50 File produced by assembling the name places of different sections of the Regional Technical Cartography at 1:10,000 scale map Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2014-09-18
51 The dataset includes CSV files referred to the monitoring stations of Tuscany Region for the hydrographic basin of Bruna, Cecina, Cornia, Ombrone, Pecora from 1916 to 2016 Hydrological Regional Sector (SIR) of Tuscany 2016-04-01
52 Census of works on waterways inside the District of Reclamation Consortium (once CORNIA VALLEY) realized in 2004: network of waterways (CENS_H2O), hydrographic basins (BACINITO), flood retention basins (CAS_ESPA), pumping stations (CAS_IDRA), draining systems (IMP_IDRO), transversal works and artifacts (OP_TR_MA), cataracts river (CATERAT), consolidation works (OPE_CONS), embankments (ARGINAT), storages (INVASI), limit of the district (COMPRENS), water diversion systems (IMP_DERI). Vector data are stored as ESRI shapefile Reclamation Consortium 5 Toscana Costa 2004
53 This dataset includes 5 irrigation systems: the 1st District Fossa Calda, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th District Fossa Calda, 3 Ponds Riotorto, La Gera. For each implant, where possible, are represented with their respective shapefile: header pipes, vents, shutters, wells, central thrust and collection tanks, the owners of the counters and the relevant surfaces Reclamation Consortium 5 Toscana Costa 2015
54 The dataset includes the main components of the sewage system managed by Asa Livorno in the area of the: drainage lifting stations and water purification systems, that lie in the urban areas of Campiglia Marittima, Piombino, San Vincenzo, Suvereto A.S.A. - Azienda Servizi Ambientali SpA 2016-03-03
55 The dataset includes the main components of the sewage system managed by Asa Livorno: stretch of sewer pipes of the network without any branches, that lie in the urban areas of Campiglia Marittima, Piombino, San Vincenzo, Suvereto A.S.A. - Azienda Servizi Ambientali SpA 2016-03-03
56 The dataset includes the main components of the water supply network managed by Asa Livorno: special components of the water supply network such as water catchment systems (wells, sources, etc.), water purification facilities and storage, that lie in the urban areas of Campiglia Marittima, Piombino, San Vincenzo, Suvereto A.S.A. - Azienda Servizi Ambientali SpA 2016-03-03
57 The dataset includes the main components of the water supply network managed by Asa Livorno: stretch of the water supply network pipes of the network without any branches or means of operating, that lie in the urban areas of Campiglia Marittima, Piombino, San Vincenzo, Suvereto A.S.A. - Azienda Servizi Ambientali SpA 2016-03-03
58 Dataset specifically provided via WMS service to consult the data referred to the hazard and hydrogeological risk in Tuscany Region Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2014-09-18
59 Hydrogeological restrictions: dataset provided via WMS service to consult two layers: R.D. n.3267/1923 and wooded areas Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector -Tuscany Region - Territorial Government N/A
60 Through the WMS service provided by Tuscany Region is allowed to access and consult the following data layers: CTR10K dxf, CTR10K shp, CTR10K tif with legend, CTR10K tif, CTR5K tif, tif CTR2K, CTR2K DXF, DXF CTR2K, CTR2K shp , CTR2K shp, road graph, PCCA, Toponymic data CTR10K, Sites of regional importance, the wine production zones, Zone DOP and IGP, Geological Map - CARG, Geological Map - CARG - Raster, Topographic 50K, frameworks CTR, DTM 10 meters, Lidar 2k, 2k Lidar - Ministry of Environment, Geological Continuum, topographic database at 1:2,000 scale map Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector N/A
61 Dataset provided via WMS service to consult the Land Cadastre related to Tuscany Region. The data are further subdivided into component Provinces based on cadastral information Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2014-09-18
62 Dataset provided via WMS service referred to acoustic, electromagnetic pollution, environmental and artificial radioactivity, commonly known as "physical pollution" Tuscany Region – Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector - SITA 2014-09-18
63 Hydrographic data made accessible via OGC WMS service. The dataset includes the following layers: Hydrography courses, trunks network, trunks codes 303, administrative watersheds, hydrography wet areas, water areas, ponds Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2014-09-18
64 Dataset provided via WMS service to consult the layer: Orographic DTM 10 meters, Hydrological DTM 10 meters, Coast line 2010, Aspect and Slope 10 meters Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector -Tuscany Region - Territorial Government N/A
65 Topographic Map 50K of Tuscany Region at 1:50,000 scale map available as Open Geospatial Consortium's Web Map Service (WMS) Tuscany Region - Territorial Government - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector N/A

66 Hydrographic network and management up to date (2015) referred to the area bounded by the Toscana Costa District Tuscany Region 2015
67 Reconstruction of the ground water bodies (CIS) identified by DGRT 939/2009 based on the regional geological continuum. The database is implemented in a file geodatabase and hydrogeochemical database Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources - CNR 2015-04-15
68 Digital topographic model of the bare earth – terrain relief produced from the Regional Technical Map 10K only for the Province of Grosseto. The model data is organised in a regular structure of cells with a given fixed dimension of 10 m2 Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2013-10-30
69 Digital topographic model of the bare earth – terrain relief produced from the Regional Technical Map 10K only for the Province of Pisa. The model data is organised in a regular structure of cells with a given fixed dimension of 10 m2 Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2013-10-31
70 Polygons (shapefile) of the meaningful groundwater bodies referred to in the Plan of Tuscany Region Protection. Project Sira_DBGEO, stratigraphic database of Tuscany Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2003-2005
71 New polygons (shapefile) of the meaningful groundwater bodies referred to in the Plan of Tuscany Region Protection. Project Sira_DBGEO, stratigraphic database of Tuscany Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2003-2005
72 Isobath of the bed of the meaningful groundwater bodies, in meters m.a.s.l. (just some CISS) Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2003-2005
73 Isopachs contour map of the meaningful groundwater bodies, in meters (just some CISS) Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2003-2005
74 Georeferenced points (sondaggio.shp) that identify the stratigraphy Regional Information System of the Environment of Tuscany (SIRA) - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Tuscany (ARPAT) 2003-2005
75 Cadastre of water sources Hydrological Service of Tuscany Region (SIR) 2016-05-31
76 Geological Map of the Municipality of Campiglia Marittima. Geospatial data stored in Shapefile, TIFF format (7 Sections) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2013
77 Geological Map of the Municipality of Piombino. Geospatial data stored in Shapefile, TIFF format (7 Sections) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2013
78 Geological Map of the Municipality of San Vincenzo. Geospatial data stored in Shapefile, TIFF format (6 Sections) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2013
79 Geological Map of the Municipality of Suvereto. Geospatial data stored in Shapefile, TIFF format (9 Sections) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2013
80 Technical Regional Map (CTR) at 1:5,000 scale map of the Municipality of Campiglia Marittima. Geospatial data stored in TIFF format (19 Sections) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2004-12-03
81 Technical Regional Map (CTR) at 1:10,000 scale map of Campiglia Marittima. Geospatial data stored in Shapefile, TIFF format (8+7 Sections) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2012-2013
82 Technical Regional Map (CTR) at 1:5,000 scale map of the Municipality of Piombino. Geospatial data stored in TIFF format (26 Sections) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2004-12-03
83 Technical Regional Map (CTR) at 1:10,000 scale map of Piombino. Geospatial data stored in Shapefile, TIFF format (15+10 Sections) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2012-2013
84 Technical Regional Map (CTR) at 1:5,000 scale map of the Municipality of San Vincenzo. Geospatial data stored in TIFF format (11 Sections) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2004-12-03
85 Technical Regional Map (CTR) at 1:10,000 scale map of San Vincenzo. Geospatial data stored in Shapefile, TIFF format (5+5 Sections) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2012-2013
86 Technical Regional Map (CTR) at 1:5,000 scale map of the Municipality of Suvereto. Geospatial data stored in TIFF format (19 Sections) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2004-12-03
87 Technical Regional Map (CTR) at 1:10,000 scale map of Suvereto. Geospatial data stored in Shapefile, TIFF format (15+9 Sections) Tuscany Region - Housing Policies and Urban Planning - Environmental and Geographic Information System Sector 2012-2013