Call for application 

 September 9th—20th, 2019

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Pisa, Italy



The Summer School Digital water management and water-related agroecosystem services: geostatistics, hydroinformatics and groundwater flow numerical modelling is organized within the framework of the EU LIFE REWAT project (sustainable WATer management in the lower Cornia valley through demand REduction, aquifer REcharge and river REstoration;

The LIFE REWAT project takes place in the coastal Cornia plain (Tuscany, Italy). There, the aquifer system provides the only source of water for drinking, irrigation, industrial purposes and it also contributes to the water needs of the nearby Elba island.

Since 60 years, intensive exploitation of groundwater resulted in consistent head lowering and water balance deficit, causing subsidence, reduction of groundwater dependent ecosystems, and salinization of freshwater resources.

Rebalancing the water budget of the hydrologic system by means of innovative concepts (such as those of water-related agroecosystem services and Nature-Based Solutions - NBS) is the main objective of the LIFE REWAT project.

Five demonstration measures (river restoration; managed aquifer recharge; reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation; high irrigation efficiency scheme; leakage management in water distribution systems) are set in place for promoting water resource management, along with capacity building and participatory actions.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT; sensors and software use) are widely used in order to monitor the impact of such actions and to monitor quantitative and qualitative status of the groundwater resource.

Taking steps from the LIFE REWAT activities, the Summer School aims at proposing innovative ideas on water resource management by focusing on the concept of water-related agro-ecosystem services and on NBS and blue infrastructures. Digital tools (software applications) constitute the other pillar of the Summer School, aiming at preparing the participants to develop the skills for dealing with the management and analysis of water-related spatial data by using state-of-the-art ICT.


Date and venue

The Summer School will be held at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, in Pisa (Italy), on September 9th- 20th


Target participants

The Summer School is designed for early career scientists (MSc students, PhD students or post-doc), technicians from public authorities (water authorities, river basin authorities, environmental protection agencies) and geo-environmental companies, water utilities operators with at least a 1st level degree or an MSc degree in engineering, environmental sciences, earth sciences, agricultural engineering, physics, mathematics, informatics.

As the Summer School will be held in English, applicants must have an advanced knowledge of the English language.

Because of the need of keeping ICT applied laboratory small, enrolment will be limited to a maximum of 24 participants. The Summer School will be activated with a minimum of 12 participants.


Structure and teaching methods

The Summer School has a duration of 10 days, and it is structured in:

a.     9 days of class lectures and applied software laboratories,

b.     one day Technical Trip at LIFE REWAT innovative pilot schemes in Val di Cornia.

c.     the 2nd FREEWAT International Workshop.

Class lectures and exercises are divided in five modules:

Module I: Innovation in water resource management: water-related agroecosystem services and nature-based solutions;

Module II: Data management, spatial data analysis and geostatistics;

Module III: ICT for Hydrochemistry

Module IV: Hydroinformatics: introducing programming to water resource management;

Module V: Numerical modelling of groundwater flow in aquifers.

Further information on the Summer School programme and modules may be obtained by writing to Rudy Rossetto (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.)

The teaching activities will make use of an extremely interdisciplinary approach granted by the diverse competences of the key staff members. Theoretical and applied lectures will make use of real data collected at the Val di Cornia coastal plain within the framework of the EU LIFE REWAT project.

The Summer School programme capitalises also on the experience of the FP7 MARSOL ( and H2020 FREEWAT ( projects.

Free and Open Source Software will be used for applied lectures. QGIS ( will be used as a GIS desktop. The FREEWAT platform will be used in Module IV.


How to apply

Applicants shall submit their application on-line through

 no later than July 22th 2019 at 9:00 AM (GMT).

The online application requires a registration and login procedure.

Applicants are required to attach:

-an up-to-date CV in .pdf file

-a presentation and motivation letter (500 words maximum)

-other documents considered of interest (e.g., scientific publications, awards, etc.)

-a scanned copy of a valid passport/ID card

A Committee will evaluate the documents submitted by each applicant and will select the candidates eligible to attend the Summer School, by producing a ranking list. Successful candidates will be notified by e-mail with an admission notice.


Enrolment fee

The Summer School enrolment fee amounts to € 400,00. It includes: attendance to all the lessons, lectures’ handouts and the canteen facility (lunch and dinner) during the 10 Summer School days (including the Technical Trip and the International Workshop). Any other expense – such as visa, accommodation and travel costs, etc. – is to be covered by the participants.

The first 14 eligible students in the ranking list will benefit of a reduced fee of € 260,00 and free accommodation. The accommodation consists in a double room for 13 nights (from Sunday 8th September to Saturday 21st September) in an apartment in a residence in Pisa.


Further info, online resources and contacts

Participants are required to use their own laptop.

A final assessment test is foreseen at the end of the Summer School.

The acknowledgement of 4 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is envisaged for students attending 90% of the whole Summer School programme and passing the foreseen learning test. Training credits are foreseen for Italian engineers, geologists, agronomists on the basis of specific agreements signed with the respective professional bodies in Italy.

Further information can be retrieved consulting the Summer School call for application at


Write to Rudy Rossetto (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.) to get further information on the Summer School programme and modules.



We are happy to announce that within the EU co-financed LIFE REWAT project (, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna will host in Pisa (Italy) the first edition of the Summer School

Digital water management and water-related agroecosystem services: geostatistics, hydroinformatics and groundwater flow numerical modelling

from September 3rd to 14th 2018.

For further information on the Summer School structure, how to apply and the enrolment fee, please visit:

Twelve exemptions on lodging and subsistence available.

Deadline for the application: July 17 th 2018 at 12 am (GMT)

The Summer School aims at proposing innovative ideas on water resource management by focusing on the concept of water-related agro-ecosystem services and on nature-based solutions and blue infrastructures. Digital tools (software applications) will constitute the other pillar of the Summer School, aiming at preparing the participants to develop the skills for dealing with the management and analysis of water-related spatial data by using state-of-the-art Information and Communication Technologies.

The Summer School is designed for MSc students and early career scientists (PhD students or post-doc), technicians from public authorities and geo-environmental companies, water utilities operators with a background in engineering, environmental sciences, earth sciences, agricultural engineering, physics, mathematics, informatics.

The participants will develop digital skills in water resource management, by using state-of-the-art ICT software. Open source and free software will be used.

Info also available by writing to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.  or Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.