
The Project “Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges” (POWER) has been funded by the EU under the H2020-ICT10c-2015 Call. With a budget of 3.747.937,50€ for 48 months of activities, from December 2015 to November 2019, the Project will set up a user-driven Digital Social Platform (DSP) for the expansion and governance of POWER existing water networks.

The POWER DSP will contribute to the Europe 2020 social policy objectives, to enable large-scale social innovation in order to tackle specific social challenges and support the uptake of the Horizon 2020 programme results. It will be a Digital Social Platform for innovation and growth, by engaging on a large scale with stakeholders in the co-creation and delivery of digital products and services to citizens involving awareness-raising, new policy initiatives and deployment.



The LIFE Belini project is being carried out within the boundaries of the international catchment area of the Scheldt river. The population density in this area is one of the highest in Europe. This puts the water system under great stress. The entire area is prone to flooding. Furthermore, the surface and ground water in this district is seriously influenced by industry, and nutrients and pesticides from intensive agriculture. This makes it difficult to achieve good water standards.
This project incorporates a large number of different measures that not only improve the water quality, but also contribute to improved biodiversity and limit the risk of flooding.


rbmp malta

The development process of the second River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) has confirmed that there are still significant challenges ahead of Malta for achieving the good status objectives of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). These challenges are mainly linked to severe water scarcity and drought conditions, high population density, high urbanisation rates, saline water intrusion, contamination, and vulnerability of coastal waters.



The project LIFE AGROWETLANDS II aims to counteract the soil degradation and the wetlands natural ecosystems alteration through a targeted and efficient management of the water resources (precision farming).
The project provides for the implementation of a smart irrigation management system - SMART AGROWETLAND - that, by a monitoring of soil, groundwater and channel water parameters, will formulate irrigation recommendations to support the farmers’ decisions.



Il progetto TRIG-Eau affronta la problematica del rischio alluvioni dovuto al tombamento dei corsi d’acqua e al sempre maggiore incremento di aree urbanizzate e superfici impermeabilizzate con conseguenti difficoltà di regimazione del deflusso idrico superficiale e di ricezione delle portate di deflusso da parte dei corpi idrici recettori, aggravate dai cambiamenti climatici in atto.
Il progetto mira a sviluppare la resilienza dei territori promuovendo infrastrutture verdi per la gestione dei deflussi metereologici, al fine di ristabilire il ciclo dell’acqua favorendo l’infiltrazione e riducendo l’effetto di runoff.



PROLINE-CE project, having on board 13 partners from 7 countries in the CENTRAL EUROPE region, started its 3-year implementation in July 2016. Arrived at the finish line, the consortium can proudly state that the project was a success, aspect which was demonstrated during the final project conference, held in June 2019.
First of all, a set of 38 measures had been selected and classified based on their significance and overall impact in the Central Europe region, regarding its most pronounced issues in various land-use categories. The testing of selected best management practices in the nine pilot areas showed that their implementation is currently still limited by economic, administrative or governance issues or even by social acceptance. Therefore, it is crucial to continue the stakeholder dialogues to foster the implementation of best management practices into daily practice and/or policy guidelines. The related action plan was submitted to the attention of relevant authorities and was received with great interest.



Many dams at barrages are now in need of restoration and must be elevated for flood protection due to increased requirements. For dam elevation the dam is usually widened on the air side, resulting in higher land consumption and damages in the alluvial forest (often FFH areas). Usually extensive authorization procedures are necessary and high costs for the rehabilitation occur. As part of the LIFE-project INADAR, an innovative approach for ecological dam restoration is developed and implemented in 2 test sections. The restoration or elevation of the dams and the improvement of the ecological situation according to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) should be fulfilled effectively and economically in one process. The focus is the installation of the so-called “eco-berms” that ensure dam stability as well as the improvement of the ecological situation in the riparian zones. Due to the implementation of the measures solely on the water side damages on the alluvial forest can be completely avoided.



Proyect LIFE14 ENV/ES/000150 - Synergic TPAD and O3 process in WWTPs for Resource Efficient waste management.
LIFE STO3RE is an european project to research, development and innovation, included in the LIFE Programme 2014, with demonstrative character.
LIFE STO3RE is a demonstration project that aims to protect aquatic environment against pollution caused by nitrates diffusion and micropollutants by means of an energetically sustainable joint management of Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) sludge and manure to obtain a high environmental quality “biofertilizer”.



The technology to be studied in this project involves a combination of anaerobic membrane bioreactor for the removal of organic matter (with biogas generation) combined with a nitrogen removal system composed of a first stage of partial nitrification followed by a reactor of Anammox type bacteria, all applied to the main line of the treatment plant.


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Given the current situation of deficit of water, it is essential to use all possible resources available. The LIFE RAMSES project will search to improve the quality of reclaimed water by applying new anaerobic purification techniques with plastic supports on the principal line of a Water Waste Treatment Plant (WWTP), reducing treatment costs and increasing the volume of irrigation water in agriculture.



Open hydroponic systems are widely present in the European modern agriculture. However, in open hydroponic systems drainages are released into the environment. The drainages are composed by 31% of nitrates, and 48% of potassium applied as fertilizers, with the concomitant pollution and eutrophication of land and water. As an alternative to open hydroponic systems, a full re-circulation system , also known as closed system, have been developed in The Netherlands, but the percentage of producers that use it in their greenhouses in the rest of Europe is very low manily because these systems need to be specifically designed and adjusted to the specific conditions where production is taken place. For that reason the aim of the present project is to demonstrate the feasibility of using a full re-circulation systems for soilless culture in the Euro-Mediterranean region, where more than the 60% of Greenhouse production takes place.This aim will be achieved through a modular and scalable pilot system, easily adaptable to most of the agricultural scenarios in south Europe by just modifying the capacity of their components. The demonstration of a pilot system at a 1:10 scale becomes necessary for identifying potential problems, costs, energy consumption, optimization of key steps and software depuration. The system will be dimensioned as a function of the volume of drainages per day that needs to be recirculated.



LIFE SIAMEC project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of using a novel Integrated System of anaerobic Methanogenic reactor and Membrane bioreactor (SIAM) for the removal of organic matter and nitrogen from wastewaters at ambient temperature while producing an effluent suitable for reuse and minimizing energy consumption and GHGs emissions.



LIFE SEACAN has demonstrate the potential of two innovative biofilm-based technologies (aerobic granular sludge and hybrid bioreactors) which have been implemented to decrease the impact of industrial activity on marine ecosystems.
Biofilm-based systems have been successfully applied in several industrial sectors, but the application to fish canning effluents has not been reported yet.



The main goal of LIFE EFFIDRAIN is to demonstrate an integrated real-time control (RTC) strategy of urban drainage networks (UDN) and wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) to minimize the pollution of receiving waters during rain events, through the use of real-time quantity and quality data. By using simulation software as Virtual Reality, RTC techniques based on hydraulic and quality information will be developed, implemented and tested for two pilot UDN+WWTP systems showing different features regarding climate conditions, network size and automation level. With a total budget of 2.169.735€ (60% funded by the EU LIFE program) and a lifespan of 42 months, the LIFE EFFIDRAIN project aims at providing a new concept for real-time control for UDNs and WWTPs that contributes at developing new operational guidelines and future UE environmental regulation.



The project aims to demonstrate an innovative platform (SWSS) for management and decision support for water supply systems (WSS) under real working conditions. The SWSS platform will be composed by five modules:(1) Predictive, (2) Hydraulic simulation, (3) Assessment , (4) Leakage and (5) Optimization , which together will support the water companies to improve energy efficiency and water efficiency in their systems. The SWSS modules are based on previous developments from consortium partners, which will be integrated in one single platform in this project. The SWSS platform will be demonstrated in 3 demonstration WSS, which were selected due to their distinctive characteristics and instrumentation level.



2016 brought to LIFE the project “Improving current barriers for controlling pharmaceutical compounds in urban wastewater treatment plants”, one of the six Portuguese projects co-funded by the European Commission under the 2014 call of LIFE Environment programme.



Our vision is to contribute to the development of an ecologically efficient and financially sound agricultural production. Agricultural economic growth and increase in productivity can be sustainable, and reconciled with environmental goals and directives. Our part will be to minimize losses of nutrients to watercourses and minimize environmental damage caused by agricultural activities or other usage of land.



Life-ANADRY (Dry anaerobic digestion as an alternative management & treatment solution for sewage sludge) is a European project co-funded by the European Commission under the LIFE program (LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency project application) for 3.5 years.
The project has officially started on September 1st 2015 with a total budget of 1.5M euros. The consortium of the project is formed by DAM, Ceit-IK4, ESAMUR, INDEREN and SEMIDE. The project aims to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of the correct environmental management of sludge in medium to small sized wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in order to transfer the outcomes obtained to other areas with similar problems, at national and international level.
The dry anaerobic digestion technology under thermophilic and mesophilic conditions is analysed in the project as an alternative for the management of sewage sludge produced in those WWTPs. LIFE-ANADRY will demonstrate that the above mentioned process offers a vast improvement in effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and sustainability over other methods for sludge treatment in small to medium sized WWTPs.



FREEWAT (FREE and open source tools for WATer resource management) is an HORIZON 2020 project financed by the EU Commission under the call WATER INNOVATION: BOOSTING ITS VALUE FOR EUROPE.
FREEWAT main result is an open source and public domain GIS integrated modelling environment (the FREEWAT platform) for the simulation of water quantity and quality in surface water and groundwater with an integrated water management and planning module.



The LIFE RINASCE Project, approved by the EC in July 2014, aims to made demonstration purposes for environmental hydraulic restoration of some Emilian drainage canals. Promoter of this is the Central Emilia Reclamation Consortium in collaboration with the Emilia - Romagna Region. The total funding of the project amounts to around € 2 million.
The LIFE RINASCE project has the overall aim to show that the key concepts of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60 / EC and the Floods Directive 2007/60 / EC, may also be applied on the artificial water network, reducing the risk of floods and at the same time improving the ecological status of rivers. In this sense we will be experimented types of intervention to apply these concepts to the particular situation of drainage canals.



The RII project concerns the piedmont belt of the Apennines near Reggio Emilia, an area where the density of infrastructures and the high level of urbanization cause a high flood risk.
The project aims at launching and testing the efficacy of some innovative strategies for land management together with experimental interventions aimed at restoring a safer path for water streams, more similar to their natural course, with the goal to improve their self-purification capacity and to improve the quality of waters and their ecological status.



LIFE+ ReQpro LIFE11 ENV/IT/000156
A model to Reclaim and reuse wastewater for Quality crop production
The ReQpro project is financed by the European Commission through LIFE+, the EU’s financial instrument supporting environmental and nature conservation projects throughout the European Union. The project started on 01 December 2012; its activities are developed in the province of Reggio Emilia.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the protection of water resources through efficient reclamation and reuse of wastewater for irrigation of agricultural land, substituting surface water and groundwater resources.



The aim of the project KRASCAVE is to reduce the risk of contamination of drinking water source in the ecosystem of the Krásnohorská jaskyňa Cave, through the implementation of innovative activities and thus contribute to meet the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) on the local level. The proposed measures should serve for reducing the risk of damaging of fragile ecosystem, dependent on the groundwater quantity and quality. By detailed monitoring of groundwater quality and quantity, calibrated computer models of existing and anticipated interactions of biotic and abiotic components of the underground landscape of the Krásnohorská jaskyňa Cave will be developed. A functional prototype of a device, providing protection for drinking water used for public supply of the population suffering from the effects of turbidity occasionally occurring in water should be tested and installed in the underground hydrological system of the cave. Increased public awareness about the vulnerable underground karst ecosystem and securing the groundwater resources should be raised through the project website and number of activities connecting the local community and both general and scientific public. The main beneficiary is the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr. The project is supported by the financial instrument LIFE+ and contribution of Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.



The main objective of the AquaLife project is the development and dissemination of the AQUALIFE Package, which is an innovative and user-friendly indicator system to assess the biodiversity of groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs). GDEs are defined as those ecosystems whose biological structure and ecological processes are directly or indirectly influenced by groundwater.