LIFE+ IPNOA Project: agricultural practices as a tool to contribute to greenhouse gases emissions mitigation

The workshop “LIFE+ IPNOA Project: agricultural practices as a tool to contribute to greenhouse gases emissions mitigation” has the aim to present the main results of the project and share with the stakeholders (farmers, agronomists, companies of the sector) opinions and viewpoints on the main technical aspects linked to the greenhouse gases mitigation in agriculture.

The project started in 2012 with the Institute of Life Sciences (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies) as a partner, together with West Systems S.r.l. (Coord.), INRA (France) and Tuscany Region.Within the project were developed and validated two prototypes for the monitoring of N2O soil flux to improve the monitoring technique from agriculture, with the aim to individuate the best management practices for the mitigation of N2O emissions from the main crops in Tuscany.

During the workshop will bepresented the preliminary version of the “Manual of Best Management Practices” for the mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions (N2O) from agricultural soils of Tuscany Region.Representatives from research and technical area are invited to take part in the roundtable that will be held to acquire comments on the opportunities to mitigate direct emissions from agricultural soils.

During the event Alberto Mantino (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna) will present LIFE REWAT activities, focusing on those on water saving in agriculture.

The workshop will be held in Italian at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies of Pisa, 8th April 2015, 14:30–18:00. For more information, please see the program on