On April 21st 2016 at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Piazza Martiri della Libertà – Pisa a workshop on integrating the MODFLOW code (USGS) in QGIS will be held.

During the event the capabilities of such integration will be presented and discussed.

The discussion will then be widened including issues such synergies among spatial databases and numerical models (including codes for solute transport in aquifers) and optimization of information flux. The workshop will be held in Italian.
The software platform for water resource management developed within the HORIZON 2020 FREEWAT project, coordinated by Scuola Superiore Samt’Anna, will be used for modelling activities foreseen in LIFE REWAT.

Free partecipation.
To subscribe email Giovanna De Filippis: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For further information: https://www.freewat.eu/sites/default/files/workshop_21_aprile_2016.pdf