14th/06/2016 - Rome, Environment Ministry: Knowledge platform launch 

On 14th June 2016 the knowledge platform launch took place in the Environment Ministry: a strategic choice that aims to arrange all the good environmental and climatic practices to enhance national experiences.

Barbara Degani, Environment Ministry Undersecretary, introduced the event showing that this knowledge platform implementation is an important objective and it will carry new ideas and projects. 

Angelo Salsi, head of LIFE Unit and Eco-innovation, (EASME), said that, from 1992, 754 Italian projects were supported and Italy achieved 1/6 of all Life Projects; he introduced also successful examples due to good practice sharing among small and worldwide enterprises, matching them to work together. 

The happening was very interesting and productive, the platform will allow to share all good practices achieved thanks to LIFE projects, CIP and 7PQ.