Porto Water Innovation Week, started in Porto on 24th September, it’s an event dedicated to water and innovation. Industry and agriculture representatives, technicians, political leaders and enthusiasts of all over the world are reunited to discuss and propose new ideas about water, its future and applications.

Life REWAT partecipates at the side event MARtoMARket on "MARsolutions, TWIs and modelling" scheduled for 26th September at 2pm.

Rudy Rossetto of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, illustrates the project dedicated to the Suvereto’s plant with the speech "The EU LIFE REWAT MAR plant at Suvereto (Italy): law requirements and monitoring needs for environmental and health safety."

The whole side event will demonstrate the efficacy and the environmental sustainability of the MAR (Managed Aquifer Recharge) strategy, which aims to stimulate the use of reclaimed water and the storage of excess water.

The programme: https://goo.gl/cjcd8Y

