Consorzio 5 Toscana Costa continues with the Life Rewat project for the sustainable water management in the Lower Cornia Valley.
After the creation of the subirrigation plant on a 4ha artichoke cultivation that is giving interesting results, Consorzio 5 Toscana Costa has started the morphological redevelopment work of a dispersing stretch of the Cornia River in Località Forni in Suvereto. In fact, the River Cornia presents a morphological condition of strong engraving of the riverbed due to a prolonged mining activity of alveo inertia occurring in the post-war period.
This has resulted in:
- impoverishment of the river habitat;
- reduction of aquifer recharge capacity;
- increased hydraulic drift downstream.
To carry out the necessary operations for this purpose, Consorzio hired two operating machines, a excavator and a bulldozer blade, suitable for carrying out the sedimentation and remodeling works in the riverbed (sbancamento),the Enlargement of the same bed of river and the renaissance of sediment in the riverbed from the excavation operations.

"The interventions that the Consortium will carry out in Suvereto (enlargement of the riverbed and sediment mobilization) will allow to increase the dispersing capacity of the Cornia River in the affected area, but later in the medium term will allow a better balance of dynamics of the sediments - said President Giancarlo Vallesi - this intervention, together with the others provided by the Life Rewat Project, will allow our Consorzio to make a leap forward that among its objectives is not only the daily maintenance of watercourses but also studying and evaluating new tools and new methods of managing water resources to ensure the water needs in the medium to long term, even in the presence of adverse meteorological conditions and droughts such as the one we are experiencing for a few months to this part "


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